Curriculum is pivot to any formal system of education because it defines what to be learnt and, to some extent how to be learnt by the students. The objective of formal education is empowering the user with the capacity for independent, creative thinking, making him/her self-reliant, self-disciplined, courageous and innovative through the inclusion of important values that depend on the curriculum which provides the content of the education imparted in the students. Curriculum incorporates subject content and skills, the manner of teaching and assessment that is followed, the Philosophical outlook of the teacher and who the learners are. However, the curriculum must be designed with these objectives in mind starting with the general curriculum at the basic level up to the more complex, technical and specialist curriculum at the tertiary level of education. This paper highlights some challenges to revitalizing of learning of economics Education through curriculum for enhancing sustainable economic development. It examines the concept of sustainable development reforms, revitalising economics education that has been achieved in assessing learning and challenges of innovation in the curriculum of learning. The paper concluded that for the revitalization to take place, efforts must be made to address the challenges of poor quality of teachers, teaching materials, the emphasis on certification and examination malpractice for enhancing sustainable economic development in Nigeria. However, a conclusion and recommendation were made.
Keywords: Revitalising, Economics Education, Curriculum, Economic Development, Enhancing.
Nwodoh, E. O. & Offor, C. E. (2024)
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The paper examines the roles of Economics educators in sustainable development in Nigeria, using a qualitative approach. The roles of Economics educators in sustainable development in Nigeria cannot be overemphasized. Sustainable development addresses the development of the present without jeopardizing the development of the future. Economics Educators are educators who are academically and professionally qualified to teach Economics. This study therefore highlights the roles of Economics educators in achieving sustainable development in Nigeria. The study also identifies the challenges faced by Economics educators in teaching Economics as well as possible solutions to these challenges. The findings of the study show that Economics educators play significant roles in achieving sustainable development in Nigeria. Regular training for Economics educators as well as good and attractive incentives for Economics educators among others were recommended.
Keywords: Economics; Economics Educators; Economic Education; Economic
Development; Sustainable Development.
Nudegbesi, A. M.; Akinola, B. T.; Ajeniweni, P. O. and Nudegbesi, F. O. (2024)
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This study investigated the implementation of entrepreneurial education-related contents in secondary school Economics curriculum in Owerri education Zone1, Imo state. The study was guided by two purposes, and two corresponding research questions. The researchers adopted the descriptive survey research design. The study was carried out in Owerri Education Zone 1, Imo state, Nigeria. A sample size of 100 respondents were selected from the total population of 128 Economics teachers spread across 75 public secondary schools in the zone, using proportionate stratified random sampling technique. A structured questionnaire titled “Implementation of Entrepreneurial Education Related Contents Questionnaire (IEERCQ)” was used for data collection. Cronbach alpha was utilized to ascertain the reliability of the instrument and an overall coefficient index of 0.95 was attained. The data collected were analyzed using mean to answer the research questions. The findings obtained from the study showed that entrepreneurial education related contents are highly reflected in the secondary school Economics curriculum. The study also revealed that entrepreneurial education related contents that are reflected in the senior secondary school Economics curriculum are however, taught in a low extent in Owerri Education Zone 1. Based on the findings of the study, there is the need to employ only qualified Economics teachers who are competent and well-grounded in entrepreneurial lessons to teach the subject, hence engaging in a wholistic approach aimed at encouraging entrepreneurial skills exhibited by students in the course of their studies. This study recommended that the government and school authorities should provide enabling environment that will encourage worthwhile entrepreneurial activities in secondary schools, while the teachers also should devote their time and energy to the teaching profession, using the best instructional approaches and materials that are suited in delivering the Economics contents for entrepreneurial skills acquisition.
Keywords: Curriculum, Economics, Education, Entrepreneurial Education,
Iweho, G. O.; Yunisa, A. Y.; Oha, K. C.; Ezeocha, I. G.; & Adejoh, I. S. (2024)
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The economic development of any nation is intricately linked to the entrepreneurial skills of its citizens. Entrepreneurship has become a fundamental aspect of employment generation, promoting economic growth and wealth creation. Nigeria, as a rapidly developing country, is in dire need of a workforce equipped with the skills to drive innovation, create jobs, and contribute to economic growth. This paper first explains the concepts of economic development and entrepreneurship skills acquisition explores the crucial roles of Economic educators in nurturing entrepreneurial skills among
students and highlights the key competencies required to fulfil this role effectively. By examining the current landscape and challenges faced by Nigeria, coupled with insights from educational experts and economists, this paper underscores the significance of empowering economic educators to adequately equip students for the nation’s economic advancement. The paper recommended among others that Economics educators should apply blended learning pedagogy to train the manpower to harness the untapped natural resources endowed in Nigeria to enhance economic development. The paper concluded that, by possessing the requisite competencies, economic educators can create a generation of innovative, resilient, and adaptable entrepreneurs who will drive economic growth, create jobs, and shape a prosperous future for Nigeria.
Keywords: Competency, Economic Educators, Equipping Students, Entrepreneurial
Skills, Economic Development
Mangkut, Bakshak & Jingak (2024)
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This study assessed the impact of educational attainment on the income level of civil servants in Keffi Local Government Area of Nasarawa State. The study adopted a correlational quantitative research design with a population of 5,251 out of which 250 were sampled using purposive and random sampling techniques. A structured questionnaire was employed to obtain information from the respondents. Out of the 250 questionnaires issued, only 178 were retrieved. The questionnaire was validated by two experts in economics education at 7.5 validity index and its reliability of internal
consistency was determined using the Cronbach Alpha technique which yielded a reliability coefficient of 0.81. The study adopted the Mincer regression model to assess the impact of educational attainment on individual earnings. Findings from the study revealed that all levels of educational attainment positively and significantly impact civil servants’ earnings in Keffi local government area of Nasarawa State. However, it was observed that experience negatively impacts the earnings of the individual as they age. The study suggests that Staff of the Civil Service should strive to attain higher levels of education, as it is used as a criterion through which earnings can be improved for life quality sustainability.
Keywords: Educational Attainment, Income Level
Andzutsi (2024)
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Corruption is a major challenge that has developed into a widespread scourge across cultures and systems particularly in developing countries. Corruption has become pervasive in the entire educational system in Nigeria. The major objective of this study was to examine the effects of corruption on educational development in Nigeria. Data were drawn mainly from secondary sources and subjected to econometrics tools of Ordinary Least Square (OLS) techniques. The result revealed that the corruption perception index exhibits an inverse relationship with educational development in Nigeria. It indicates that a one per cent increase in the corruption perception index rate will lead to about a 4 per cent decrease in educational development. It also revealed an inverse relationship between poverty rate (POV) and educational development, though the result was not significant. However, the result shows that a one per cent increase in POV will lead to about a 5.6% decrease in educational development. Furthermore, there exists a bi-directional causality between education
and economic growth. Based on the results, it is recommended that government at all levels should put measures in place that will ensure that funds allocated to the educational sector are efficiently utilized and reach the targeted schools and students. Also, policies and interventions should focus on ensuring equal access to quality education for all, regardless of socioeconomic status, gender, ethnicity, or geographic location.
Ogunbunmi & Adefabi (2024)
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