IJEER Volume 6, 2023
International Journal of Economics Education Research is a peer-reviewed yearly online and print journal for researches in Economics Education and related fields. IJEER is the first official journal of the International Association for Economics Educators.
Teachers’ Perception on the Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Teaching and Learning of Social Studies in Secondary Schools in Igbo-Eze South Local Government Area, Enugu State
Agbo, C. N.; Ekere A. U. and Ugwu O. S. (2023)
Effect of Cooperative Learning with Focus on Jigsaw Model on Secondary School Students’ Academic Achievement in Chemistry
Gladys U. J. and Jinadu G. Y. (2023)
Promoting Innovation and Global Competitiveness among Undergraduates in Colleges of Education in Anambra State
Mbonu, V. C. and Okonkwo, E. C. (2023)
Boosting the Morale of Staff and Management of Economic Resources for Global Competitiveness in the Nigerian Economy
Mangkut, Z.; Abdulmutalib, M. B. and Bakshak, Y. S. (2023)
Perceived Influence of Social Development Strategies on Students’ Academic Performance in Economics
Eruvbedede, F. E.; Ochiaja, N. O.; Anisiudo M. N.; Asiuwhu O. G. and Ejikeme, E. L (2023)
Perceived Influence of Economic Crisis on Students’ and Lecturers in Nigerian Tertiary Institutions and their Coping Strategies
Eneogu, N. D. ; Chukwu, C. L. Obiora, N. J.; and Ede, N.C. (2023)